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Pilloni Family Chiropractic News
At Pilloni Chiropractic, our purpose and guiding principle is simple: "Our Mission is to Inspire and Facilitate Healthy Living through Chiropractic". In addition to state-of-the-art chiropractic care using manual (by hand only) patient care technique, we are one of only a handful of offices in Rhode Island to feature the Pro-Adjuster system of scientific analysis and spinal correction. As a matter of fact there are ten Pro-Adjusters in the state and we have three of them at Pilloni Chiropractic!
We invite our community to join us once a month at our well attended Patient Appreciation Nights where we share a glass of wine and introduce ourselves and the neighborhood to our office. The schedule is available at the front desk. Dr. Dave Pilloni, a graduate of LaSalle, Salve Regina and Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida, has a strong interest in nutrition and fitness and in that regard has begun his much anticipated Total Lifestyle Transformation classes in September 2012. These are a complete four session inspiring and educational program that can completely change lives. These classes are designed so you can jump in at any time over the year. More information is available at the front desk.

Relieve Back Pain, Auto Accident & Sports Related Injuries, & Even Pediatric Adjustments

Foot LevelersOrthotics
Now Offering Foot Levelers. Put Your Life In Balance! See How We Can Help.

Lurong LivingVitamins
Pilloni Chiropractic Patients Get 15% Off Lurong Living Vitamins!